The program is provided free of charge to all CBDA Active Annual Members in good standing provided they use the specially designed Excel spreadsheets found on this page. Information can then be emailed directly to AgSights (formerly BIO). If your herd has not been in the Performance Program before, there may be some initial set-up fees to enter pedigrees, etc. The program will also accept handwritten and/or hard copy mail of the forms.
The procedure is as follows:
Download the required spreadsheets (forms) onto your computer. They can be found listed at the bottom of this page.
Open the required spreadsheet and save it with a new name such as "Brown 2018 Birth Weights" or "Brown 2018 Weaning Weights".
Please Read the Instructions sheet carefully and enter information in the format requested.
Enter all the information requested electronically. Handwritten forms will be accepted.
A note on Management Groups. They are extremely important to getting quality EPDs from the data you provide. Animals included in the same management groups must have been managed as similarly as possible. This means that animals gestated/fed in different pens/pastures for any period of time during the year should be given different group numbers. Calves fed extra feed for shows/sales, or calves that seem unhealthy or got very sick should also be left in different groups from the more normal developing calves. Calves of different sexes can be grouped together. Also calves allocated to a specific management group must be born within 90 days or less of one another, regardless of whether or not their mothers are managed the same. There also needs to be five animals in a group for the data to be used to generate EPDs. Management group numbers can range from 1-99.
Email the completed form(s) to Nicholas Boyd. Forms can also be mailed.
If you have questions, or would like more information, please contact Nicholas Boyd, CBDA Performance Committee at 519-835-9099

If you would like a free information package, please E-mail the Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association.
Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association
c/o Canadian Livestock Records Corporation, 2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, Ontario K1V 0M7
Phone: 613-731-7110 ... Fax: 613-731-0704 ... E-Mail