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Photo Contest

Do you enjoy taking photos? Do you have any great photos of your Blondes?


This is your chance to grab your camera and capture that perfect pose. The Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association is hoping to build a library of pictures that can be used on the website and in upcoming newsletters. What a great way to expose our Blonde cattle to the world!


Each month one eligible winning photograph will be selected by our newsletter editor, and the winner will receive a $25.00 credit towards their next fullblood or purebred registration.

Photo Criteria

  • Include a complete shot of animal in photo (including feet, tail and full head if possible)

  • Limit of five pictures submitted per operation per calendar month

  • All photos submitted become the property of the Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Association and the Association will be able to use them accordingly (photo credit will be provided when possible)

  • E-mail your photos to Jane Schiestel.

The decision of the judge is final. The Canadian Blonde d'Aquitaine Board reserves the right to not have a winner if it is deemed no picture is eligible in a particular month.

Remember, for a chance to win a $25.00 registration credit and see your photo on the Blonde website, take your camera the next time you go to check on the fences!

Photo Tips

  • Don't cut off the head, feet, butt, nose! Don't crop your photo -- let your ad designer or webmaster crop the picture to give the best possible design for each individual situation.

  • When you think you have the picture just right, take two steps back. Give your designer lots to work with.

  • Remember to identify your photographer or include a brief description of the shot.

  • You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Make sure you take those pictures at a high enough resolution so your printer doesn't have any trouble getting them ready for your next brochure or magazine ad.

  • How to Win the Canadian Blondes Photo Contest - More tips for you to review

Past Winner Gallery

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